
Thursday, December 2, 2010

Hello! I am really excited now so I am posting again even though I just posted 2 days ago. See right, I just collected my phone from the MRT control station(: YAYAY(: And you're right about this being the same phone which dropped through the MRT platform gap. Yup I'm happy that I will still have a phone. I really missed it): Hahaha but it survived(: and I'm glad to say that all of my phones must be shock-resistant^^
Kekeke I know that I am not making much sense and that you are all interested in knowing more about that statement up there (yucks I'm just so shameless sometimes!) and since I am currently kind of bored, I shall elaborate on what I meant. So, basically, all of my phones had bad history. Bad history meaning that my phones were constantly dropped on the floor (well by me of course). AND, almost all of my phones, well, DIED on me! (except for one, one mighty one) Let me now elaborate on how each one of them died.

Phone 1 - Left it in the pocket of my pants and my pants entered straight into the washing machine and the story goes on!
Phone 2 - The mighty phone which survived until now^^
Phone 3 - Dropped it into a wet bathtub.
Phone 4 - My current phone which will hopefully survive in my hands because it apparently belongs to my sister. My mom is kind of pissed that I keep spoiling my phones so I borrowed my sister's(:

Hmmm... So right, I better be more careful with my current phone because if it spoils again, my mom's not going to get me a new phone! Wish me luck(:
CONCLUSION: My phone survived so just keep to my current phone number.
I will be posting again really soon because I realised that I have not mentioned anything about the ESCAPE.THEME.PARK experience because the word 'phone' keeps unknowingly popping up here and there in my head! So remember to check back again.